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Discourse on interpersonal communication

Discourse on interpersonal communication

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study and research that seeks to understand how humans use verbal and non-verbal cues according to a number of personal and relational information goods. It is a process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meanings through verbal and non-verbal messages. It is a face to face communication.

What are the interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are the skills used by a person to interact with others properly. In the business domain, the term refers to an employee’s ability to get along with others while getting the job done. These skills include everything from communication and listen to skills to attitude and deportment (behaviour).

Differences between the interpersonal and intrapersonal communication

Interpersonal refers to relationships or actions that take place between two or more people while intrapersonal communication refers to the things that go exclusively within one person. Inter is a prefix means between. Interpersonal relations are between two or more people or persons.

What are the examples of “Interpersonal Skills”?

Examples of interpersonal skills include things as self-esteem (self-respect) open-mindedness, being aware of own thinking, the ability to learn, being able to understand and manage one’s emotions, self-confidence, self-motivation, self-discipline, being able to overcome emotions, being patient and being a self-starter.

How to improve interpersonal communication?

To improve interpersonal communication skills intelligence, a person should learn to mediate- just to set aside silent and alone to think for some time. He/She should study philosophy especially different schools of thought from different cultures. He/She should find a counselor (advisor) or therapist(a person who treats mental and physical disorder) to explore himself.

How many types interpersonal skills have?

There are “SEVEN” types of interpersonal skills that are needed to succeed in an organization environment.

  1. Verbal Communication
  2. Non-verbal Communication
  3. Listening Skills
  4. Negotiation
  5. Problems Solving
  6. Decision Making
  7. Assertiveness (confidence) ( Firm in dealing)

What is listening skill?

Listening skill is defined as a complex and selective process of receiving, focusing, accepting and storing information.

What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

The following are some highlighted barriers to “Interpersonal Communication”.

  • Emotional barriers and Taboos (forbidden things).
  • Lack of attention
  • Lack of interest
  • Distractions ( distracting of thoughts) or irrelevance to the receiver.
  • The difference in perception and viewpoint.
  • Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties or blindness.

What are the most prominent and vital interpersonal skills?

There are “SIX” most prominent and vital interpersonal skills. These are listing below:

  • Two-way communication
  • Choosing the type of listening and most appropriate to the situation.
  • Mastering non-verbal communication.
  • Using relevant questions.
  • Developing sound relationships.
  • Interviewing consists of elements alone.

What are the characteristics of communication?

Characteristics of communication include:

  • Two or more persons.
  • Exchange of ideas.
  • Mutual understanding.
  • Continuous process.
  • Use of words as well as symbols.

What are the types of communication?

These types are classified into two subcategories

1. Common types

  • Oral or Verbal
  • Non-verbal / Written

2. Main types

Three main types of communication are:

  • Verbal or Oral
  • Non-verbal (written messages, letters, etc.
  • Visual (maps, charts, diagrams, pics, movies, films, animation cartoons for teaching purpose).

What are the “5” elements of communication?

“5” elements of communication are:

  1. Medium
  2. Channel receiver
  3. Feedback
  4. Context
  5. Noise

Different elements of communication include:

  • Sender
  • Message encoding
  • Media
  • Decoding
  • Receiver
  • Feedback

What is communication process?

The communication process involves:

  • A sender
  • Receiver
  • Message
  • Channel
  • Feedback or response
  • Encoder (sender)
  • Decoder (receiver)

What is context?

Context is a situation or circumstance in which communication takes place. It includes country, culture, organization, and external or internal stimulus.

What is importance of interpersonal communication?

It is a process of receiving and sending information. It is a purposeful activity, through this activity two persons or group of persons exchange ideas, knowledge, information, messages. They can argue or opine on current issues, problems, and other national and international matters.

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What are the “FOUR” basic communication styles?

Four basic communication styles include:

  • Passive
  • Aggressive
  • Passive-aggressive
  • Assertive

What is an Assertive communication style?

Assertive communication is the ability to express positive and negative ideas or feelings in an open, honest and direct way. It recognizes our sights while respecting the sights of others. It allows us to take responsibility for our actions without judging or blaming other people. It is a core (essential) communication skill. Being assertive means to express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view, while also respecting the sights and belief of others.

Assertiveness is a healthy way of communicating. It is the ability to speak for ourselves in a way that is honest and respectful. Every day we are in a situation where being assertive can help us like someone a date, approaches to a teacher with a question or doing well on a job or college interview. It is the best way of communication.

What are advantages of assertiveness?

Advantages of assertiveness include:

  1. It helps us to feel good about ourselves and others.
  2. It leads to developing mutual respect with others.
  3. It increases our self-respect and helps us to achieve our goal.
  4. It minimizes the hurting and alienating (lose some one’s sympathy).
  5. It protects us from being taken advantage of by others.
  6. It enhances us to make decisions and choices in life.
  7. It enables us to express both verbally and non-verbally, a wide range of feelings and thoughts both positive and negative.

How do you can communicate assertively?

  1. Allow yourself to free anger.
  2. Make clear assertive requests.
  3. Validate the other person’s feelings.
  4. Be a good listener.
  5. Be collaborative (sharing).

Differences between the “Assertive and Aggressive” communication styles.

The assertive style of communication

  • It does not violate or negate other sights.
  • A person remains respectful and accepts the sight of others.
  • A person remains assertive and clear about his sights accepting others’ feelings, beliefs and he always sights logical.

The Aggressive style of communication

  • In an aggressive style of communication, a person becomes aggressive.
  • He/She does not accept the sight of others.
  • He/She becomes aggressive and disrespectful.
  • He/She does not listen to another person’s point of view.
  • His/Her behavior becomes rude instead of assertive.
  • He/She is illogical and authoritative and even rude.

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