Table of Contents
Introduction of research paper?
A research paper is an academic document that consists of the writer’s own research, thesis, and findings of a particular topic or subject along with the external interpretation of research findings. For example, a biologist writes a research paper on biology research paper topics.
What is the research paper format/outline?
A research paper body includes the following three main body parts of paper construction:
- Introduction
- Supportive contents about the topic (body)
- Conclusion

A chronological arrangement or breakdown of the research in a proper way to write down the main ideas, thesis, and topic of supportive content. Like as;
- Brief description of the issue
- Definition of terms
- A theoretical basis for the paper
- Methodology
- Thesis statement
- Review of related literature
- Significance of the study/research
Types of research paper
- Basic
- Educational
- Simple
- Comprehensible
- Plain
How to write a research paper?
To write a research paper no doubt become a night dream for college students who never done this before. You are at the right place to figure out the best solution and for the help to write a competitive and effective research paper on any topic or discipline.
This will guide you and help you with writing an effective and strong and impactful, resourceful, and to get a good grade. These following 10 steps will be very helpful for you in that.
Write a good research paper with the following 10 steps

Getting familiar with the assignment
This is the first and most important step of research paper writing. This is very important for the students to understand that, what is his/her task actually and for what his/her teacher is asking about to do research and construct the research paper.
Most of the students skip it and don’t take it as a serious step. And this is one of the big causes of their failure as well. All their effort became waste. Students should think over and do research on what their instructor provided with the task. Students should analysis and read the writing assignment, prompts, grading rubric, or any other related task materials you’ve received by the instructor or teacher.
Making notes on these supporting material by the teacher will help in writing the research paper. You should pay your full intention and much time on understanding the real task. If you still face difficulty in understanding the real motive or task of the research paper, you should and have a conversation with your instructor on this matter.
Choose a topic
After the first step clarification what the purpose of the research paper, secondly you have to choose the topic for this. Take time for this as well and find out about your self-interest and passion. For example, which subject or topic you most like and have a strong grip and command to handle it. this will definitely very helpful for you.
Mostly a conversational issue or topic can be a very good choice for this. Because it will also present your self ability and will give supportive content to prove your argument or topic thesis as well.
Here, your instructor’s instruction can be helpful too. Be conscious always in choosing the topic. If feeling difficulty on the chosen topic to write about, you should change or choose the topic instantly, but it should be related to the assignment.
Do research
Here comes the 3rd important step or writing an effective research paper. One you chose the topic, you should go for the topic research on different mediums to support your paper thesis or to argue on this. Souces should be authentic and based on actual facts and consist of real examples of life. This will do a very delightful impression on your instructor and as well as on your grade too.
The medium of resources should include digital, paper formats. For example, websites, articles, magazines, videos, newspapers, etc. These should be related to your topic and it may be supportive or not. But you should keep in touch and be integrated into your topic thesis.
Construct research
Good research will make your good research paper. For this, you should follow these sub-steps for this to make it a more effective and impactful paper.
1) Skim means you don’t have read all the resources related to your topic. You have to develop a quick reading and analyzing skill to find out the matching contents (write them in your own words), words, and statements related to your topic.
2) Find reliable resources means should find an authentic and reliable source of information to refer to in your paper. You can use Wikipedia as it platforms for your acknowledgments but you can’t use it in your paper. Because these are not reliable and fixed contents resources. You can also use keywords to find the data about it. Use google scholar and blogger/blogposts for your topic’s pieces of information and for references. You can use the books and surveys as well in your paper for references.
3) Don’t ignore the information; you should never ignore any information which is semi-related to your ic contents. You can find information on any topic but these are not 100% accurate. But you can use them to illustrate precious researches on your topic, it may be supportive or not. Do research about your topic with variation to collect and build different viewpoint of view of your research paper topic thesis statement.
Now back to the first step and rethink what is the paper ‘s about or assignment. In step four organize your research as per the assignment requirements. This means which sources you’ve used to getting the information to support your paper statement in proper manners and show discipline in arranging it.
Use your own words in writing these contents and do citations as per instructor told you to avoid plagiarism and bad grades. You should use the concept or theme of that supportive or argumentative content about your research paper topic. Use the required fonts, and bibliography, and references style by your instructor or institute as well as paper formats too.
Build a thesis
In the fifth step, you have a complete idea, overview, theme, research about the research paper topic. Now you can build your own thesis arguments and thesis statement about the chosen topic or assertion. Basically a thesis is a short story headline about that which you gonna tell the viewers or readers in your paper. It must be very strong, easy to understand, and inclusive of the topic main idea.
It should not belong or lengthy in size or context. In the first sentence, you can write the answer to your paper’s topics, and later you can and should add supportive arguments or about your judgment or answer.
For example:
- My paper explains the relationship between animals and humans.
- This paper is about social alienation towards minorities.
Look, it wasn’t that difficult. But the important thing to remember is that this is just the beginning. Many students stop there and then do not understand why their instructor rated them poorly on their dissertation statement. The essay needs to be final, and it should not be about you. So, you can change it as described above:
Do not be too vague. do not be afraid to make harsh statements. in case you check the examples above, each one will provide a specific perspective on this topic. some other key to producing a sturdy dissertation statement is making sure your thesis is correct. this does not suggest that it is arguable or specifically opinionated, but it does not imply that no person can disagree.
After running as much as a specific, debate, definitive, significant dissertation, this is every other place to fulfill your professor, writing middle coach, or other trusted teacher or mentor. In all likelihood. Display them your dissertation declaration and ask them if they suppose that is a powerful article in an effort to manual you as you write the object.
Design an outline
Constructing an outline is really about the structure of your paper. You need to do not be too formulaic, but following the samples and instructions can be helpful. In high school, you should have written three or five-paragraph articles, and it’s fine for college research papers to use these same patterns, but make sure that whatever format you choose for your paper is.
If you have two main points in your dissertation, in that sense, three or five important parts of your thesis may not work. If the assignment asks you to introduce a topic, explain different views on the topic, and then choose and define your opinion, your paper will probably need three main sections, each of which the goal is for.
When you have done your outline designing, now analyze it critically. And rethink that, what for actually you gonna writing your paper. Introduction and conclusion are generally understandable, but what happens varies depending on the content of your article.
The outline of your argument is a great time to think about the bad forms of argument that you should avoid. If you are not familiar with logical errors, take some time to review common mistakes; your grade may depend on it!
Write down
After these steps, at last, you are ready to write your final body of the paper. You don’t need to be very perfectionist while writing it. Don’t need to keep eyes on grammar errors and write words. You can fix them later.
While writing the paper you should keep eyes on your research, it will very helpful for you. but do not take it whole or copy it. Just take its theme and contextual term and write down it in your own words.
While you writing your paper you should use your memory power to write it. Means remember your research and finding concepts. It will help you to write quickly and to help to avoid plagiarism.
You can take some quotes and some specific stats or data form your research but do not forget to reference it. If you follow the outline it will provide you confidence in your written article. And your own essay that builds on the ideas, writing, and work of others, without stealing, copying, or plagiarising.
If something is a simple fact (generally accepted if you can find the truth described in three or more credible sources without credibility), you do not have to tell where the idea came from. Bill Gates, for example, is a billionaire who founded Microsoft. This is a simple fact. You have been cited by several trusted sources. But if your thesis is behind the wealth, reputation and success of Bill Gates e.g., you’ll need to provide specific references and statistics as well as an idea of why Microsoft is so successful at billionaires.
Do editing for contents
When you done your paper writing. Now do editing the contents, like sentence structure, spelling errors fixation, citation problems, and grammar errors. Do it very precisely and deeply. Also, do self-reading and critical analysis of your paper.
Compare it with other similar written research papers for the formate and structure of your paper. Check it, Is your paper includes all which asked in the assignment? Also, check out, Is your research paper too short or too long? After this try to fix the length issue as well. But be very conscious while doing it.
Because well structured and well-optimized research can give better grades and enhance your reader’s understanding of your paper. It is highly recommended you should keep following the outline and assignment instructions while editing, shorting, making longer, or while writing.
Once you done all your editing, do again reading your paper. For more shorty, you can get proofreading service form professional or take your friend’s suggestion and give it your mentor and teacher to ask them to take a look at your paper and let you know what they think of the content.
Do editing for grammar & spelling errors
After that, do check again for grammar errors. You can take help from some tools or extensions for grammar check if you writing on a computer. it will very helpful for you in future projects and also improve your English speaking, and writing skills especially if you are a non-native speaker of the English language.
It will also help you in writing Elements of Style if you’re unsure of what to do with commas, semicolons, or run-on sentences.
Do self-read and submit the research paper
After all the above steps at the end do again self -reading of your research paper. Because might you left something which is wrong or misleading content about your paper topic. So, you should do it. Double-check always does good things.
After that, you submit the paper to your instructor or publish it.
How to write a conclusion & abstract for a research paper?
In the conclusion of any article, research paper or journal, you should add the findings of your topic research or your opinion about the topic or thesis statement. Means, what you have the answer about the topic or question of your research paper and what opinion you have or supportive or argumentative statements about the issue, topic, and research.
More additionally, write down the all main key points, elements, research findings shortly but comprehensively in 3 or 4 paragraphs. The length of the conclusions mostly depends on the length of your paper. The conclusion can be taken as an extract of your paper.
An abstract also a little similar to the conclusion but in this, you tell about your papers and highlight the brief summary of your paper. It includes intro, body, and conclusion very shortly and its length should not be more than 2 or 3 paragraphs. But it also depends on the length of your paper or project.
It should be very simple, easy to understand, and precise. It should no be grammar wise incorrect or un-related to the paper theme.
Read also this article about digital literacy.