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10 Common Mistakes Tech Startup Owners Should Avoid

10 Common Mistakes Tech Startup Owners Should Avoid

Turning your brainchild into a reality by creating a start-up is an exciting experience. It is fulfilling to watch a creation of your mind start from scratch, get on its feet, and grow wings to soar great heights. The start of the journey is usually full of enthusiasm. Sadly, the road ahead is usually one marred with bumps and potholes. Most start-ups fail to navigate through the trying times. It is no wonder that most of them do not reach the ten-year mark. Ironically, that is no reason to fret. Assessing where other similar start-ups failed to hit the mark allows you to evaluate your operations and make necessary tweaks. Here are some of the key mistakes to avoid:

Not having a business plan

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. A business plan is the road map that a business follows to guide decision-making. That makes a business plan a necessary document for any start-up. Well,  a solid business plan should detail operation costs, projected sales, target audience and growth prospects. While planning the business plan, it is also crucial to figure out the values and missions of the business. Identify a unique selling point that will set you apart from other similar ventures. That goes a long way in ensuring focus and effectiveness. Having such a big picture mindset forces you to tackle difficult but necessary questions soon enough. You will have a plan to fall back to when things get rough.

Not being organized

Proper organization is an integral prerequisite for success in any business, regardless of the sector. When running a tech start-up, there are usually endless things to stay on top of, such as sourcing funding, onboarding the right team, iterating to fit the market demands etc. It is easy to get overwhelmed with so much happening. A simple way to ensure productivity amid the mountains of tasks calling for your attention is to stay organized. Make daily and weekly to-do lists. Set small achievable goals that work towards achieving the substantial ones.

Not knowing the target audience

You can not tailor your products for an audience you do not know. As great as your products may be to you, the business success depends on how impressive the target market finds them. Understand the market and your target customers to make products that appeal to them. Find effective feedback channels. Listen to the target consumers and make changes so that your products match their needs accurately.

Not researching the competition

You may think that the ideal business ecosystem is one without competition. The truth is far from that. As counterintuitive as it may seem, you need competition. Your competition validates the market on your behalf. You can use the competition to study trends in the market. Find out what works for them and what gaps they are not filling. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses puts you in the best position to carve out a niche for yourself. Competition is always great, as long as the market is not too saturated.

Juggling everything

You may be the sole founder of the business, but that does not mean that you have to undertake every part of the operations. You may feel like introducing more people to your vision will cloud it. However, that is not necessarily the case. Exercise humility by accepting that you can not be a master of all trades. You may be excellent at coding and programming but fail on other fronts.


Professional help frees up your mind for tasks that need most of your attention. Working in the areas you are strong at is an efficient use of your time. Leverage your network of contacts and accept all the support from friends and family. Take advantage of other people’s expertise and knowledge. Outsource functions like financial management from a reliable business service vendor like You will save so much time and money in the long run. You will also avoid making costly mistakes that might hurt you from a legal perspective.

Being too attached to your idea

It can be a significant hit to your ego when someone suggests that your perfect idea needs some changes. It is normal to attach strong emotions to your original business ideas. That said, falling too hard for your idea may stifle growth and success. It is not enough for you to love your products. Other people (especially the target customers) need to find it impressive. Look out for the danger signals of when you are missing the mark. Be flexible enough to allow changes that will help the products gain traction. Being too rigid is a recipe for doom.

Not being adaptable

Part of not being too attached to your idea is learning to be adaptable. Market trends are constantly shifting. Be ready to pivot your business when the market calls for it. Assessing the market gives you an idea of what people want and gives you an idea of the direction your evolution needs to take. Learning to adapt can be your biggest asset in the face of competition.

Growing too soon

Expanding your business may seem like the ultimate marker of success. That said, growing too soon may be catastrophic. As you scale your business, the risks tend to grow exponentially too. It is, therefore, crucial to do the research and plan for the expansion- not just jump into it too soon. Sometimes, an unplanned growth could damage a brand well beyond repair. Instead, establish yourself in the market. Sustainable organic growth is better than rapid expansion that will harm the business.

Skipping legal protection

Legal issues can quickly bring down a business. You may be too excited to get on your feet, forgetting the legal nitty-gritty. A mistake that most start-ups make is skipping on well-written policies. Make sure you have employment agreements, privacy policies, founders’ agreements etc. These documents come in handy when you find yourself in a legal hot soup. You need to address the legal issues earlier on so that they do not bite you further along the way.

Assuming you need a ton of money upfront

Most entrepreneurs are too scared to start because they are afraid they do not have enough money. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to raise all the capital right away. Earning money on a smaller scale in the initial stages is a perfectly okay option. Also, when you start with little, you can gauge the market demand and use that to interest potential investors in your business.

Final Remarks

We learn from mistakes. But those mistakes do not have to be our own. As a tech business owner, you will grow further when you understand the common errors to avoid.


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