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Affiliate Management Checklist for Your Affiliate Program

Affiliate Management Checklist for Your Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing is essential if you are looking for the growth and success of a brand. Without proper affiliating, it’s not possible to take on the profits of your product.

Therefore, this affiliate management checklist will provide you with all the essential details for your affiliate program.

On-Boarding Process:

The onboarding process is an HR industry term used for affiliate recruitment. It’s important because it allows new recruits to understand their positions and job responsibilities.

For this entire affiliate program to be successfully conducted, follow these:

  • Send Welcome Email: These emails not only provide a warm welcome to your affiliate recruits but also psychologically prepare them to work for you.
  • Collect Information: You also need to take proper information about their website, phone numbers, traffic source, and other essential details. This will let you know all the details of your affiliate recruit.
  • Provide Assets: Provide assets and resources like banners, email swaps, videos, articles, and also product samples if necessary. This is because the marketer might not have the resources to make the assets.
  • Need to Re-Check: It’s essential for you to re-check whether the affiliate recruits have received all the necessary resources and materials to start with their campaign. This is because if they don’t have the right resources, they won’t be able to successfully carry out their tasks.
  • Gentle Reminder: Through a clear and “on-point” friendly email, remind your affiliate recruits about your partnerships. This makes the overall onboarding procedure faster and easier.


Affiliate Engagement:

  • Personalized Intro: A perfect and effective personalized introduction will build a strong bridge of connection with your affiliate recruits. Moreover, it will also allow your affiliates to grow faith and trust in you.
  • Stay Connected: It’s essential that you stay connected with your affiliate recruits in all ways possible. Don’t go for emailing, instead choose a more friendly social media like Skype or WhatsApp. This will help you to build both professional and personal connections with your affiliates.
  • Gather Campaign Info: It’s essential that you take the entire information of the campaign plans from your affiliate recruits, and also dig information about the sources and how it’s going to be carried out.
  • Supervise: Supervising and monitoring the affiliates is essential if you are looking for bringing the best results from your campaigns. This is because to deliver a successful campaign, you always need to have an eye on your affiliates, so that you can guide them.
  • Help Your Affiliates: It’s pretty natural for your affiliates to make mistakes. So, in such cases, it’s your responsibility that you encourage them to find their mistakes and fix those errors. You can also share your ideas and advice with the affiliates, this will help them to generate their own ideas.
  • Persuasive Approach: When you approach your affiliates, you need to ensure that you are engaging with them as this will allow them to be more open with you and you will also be able to manage their issues and problems.


Categorize Your Affiliates

Standard Affiliate: The percentage commissions that are between 5% to 30% are usually known as standard affiliates.

Super Affiliate: Super affiliates are capable of giving a top performance with their high affiliating skills. Usually, a super affiliate can earn from $300 to $3,000 each day.

VIP Affiliate: VIP affiliates directly work with the merchants and they don’t require any media to carry out their tasks.


Identify the Affiliate Condition and Plan to Action Based on the Condition:

  • Active: Active affiliates are those that generate the sales of a business within a fixed and given time.
  • Currently Selling: The affiliate manager needs to check if the sale generations and promotions are on the right track. With the right tracker tool for your affiliate program, you can easily achieve it.
  • Currently sending traffic: There are times when potential traffic might not be generated. This is where the affiliate manager needs to find the best solution to bring in more traffic.
  • Inactive: Promotions might turn off. In such cases, the affiliate managers need to come up with some new ideas to get the promotions back into action.
  • Sales: It can happen that the good sales that were sent to customers have now stopped. So, in such cases, affiliate managers need to go through the entire problem and start to generate more sales.
  • No Sales from Traffic: The affiliate managers along with their team might also need to figure out the problems regarding sales issues from traffic. This is because there are chances that there might be no sales from the traffic.

Affiliate Support

  • Provide all the support to your affiliates: As an affiliate manager, you need to look through things and make sure that you support your affiliates during their low times. This will boost the overall performance of your department and the company sales.
  • Identify and solve the problems: Your affiliate might face issues when dealing with different projects, so in that case, try to figure out their problems and come up with solutions.


Bottom Line

Affiliate management is necessary if you want to take your affiliate business to the peak. Therefore, through this affiliate management checklist, you’ll get to know all the necessary information to bring the best from your affiliate recruits and bring effective sales and traffic to your business.



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