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Everything you must know about CAD conversion services

Everything you must know about CAD conversion services

CAD is the most sought-after solution for building professionals to convert PDFs, paper-based data, and scan-based drawings into CAD drawings by careful redrafting. The expertise of CAD conversion services facilitates the conversion of raw data to editable and usable CAD designs.

The versatility of such services lies in their effectiveness in executing assignments of various sizes and delivering high-quality outputs. Before opting for such services, you must know some facts regarding them.

What is CAD Conversion?

In the earlier days, civil, mechanical, or architectural designs were manually done. The designs had to be detail-oriented and contained a lot of information. With the evolution of technology, the information is used and updated to CAD.

CAD conversion is deemed an efficient way of managing data for organizations. CAD conversion services are opted by different businesses to design and manufacture products, make architecture designs, 3D printing, heavy engineering, etc.

What are the different types of services?

There is a wide range of CAD data conversion services available you can choose from. They are:

Digitization services: In digitization services, you will be provided with digital copies of the scanned construction plans or hard copies or microfilmed drawings.

Vectorization services: Vectorization services include converting the raster-based drawing to vector or CAD formats. The raster or scanned drawings are redrawn in CAD manually, paying attention to every detail. In this form of service, special requests like color coding, text styles, dimension styles, and the need for layers are considered.

Image to CAD: Scanned images are converted to accurate CAD entities in this service. The conversion can both be done in 2D and 3D.

Paper to CAD: While converting paper to CAD, paper drawings, blueprints, tracing are scanned and converted to CAD by manual redrafting.

PDF to AutoCAD:  In the case of PDF to AutoCAD conversion, a PDF file is completely converted into an accurate ACAD file containing elements like text, arcs, circles, etc.

Raster to vector: Manual raster to vector conversion service is associated with creating flawless drawings so that the output is devoid of error.

How is CAD conversion performed?

The process of CAD conversion involves the creation of CAD files accurately by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • The first stage is consultation, where a firm consults with the client to get detailed information regarding the project. The drawing, which is to be converted, and its delivery format are discussed at this time.
  • The next stage is the quotation. After analyzing the project’s scope, a price quote is sent for approval. The work on the project is started immediately after receiving the approval.
  • The third stage is feedback, where the client’s feedback is taken to avoid modifications at the last minute. The input is then immediately incorporated into the project.
  • The last stage is delivery, where the final draft gets checked by quality analysts. The approval of final drafts gets passed on to the clients in their preferred formats.


What benefits would you derive from CAD conversion?

You can derive several benefits through CAD conversion. They are listed below:

  • Maintaining paper archives is a mammoth task. CAD conversion helps keep blueprints, paper drawings, and mylar safe by preventing its decay and damage.
  • It enables you to save time while distributing and producing paper drawings and doing manual revisions.
  • CAD drawings provide more efficient and faster-searching tools that add to the users’ convenience.
  • The conversion of documents to CAD format increases the efficiency of maintaining and storing documents and the overall working process of organizations.




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