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How to Make Your Home More Secure In 2023

How to Make Your Home More Secure In 2023

It is always fun to decorate and renovate your home but do you know that burglars strike every 30 seconds? It increases the importance of a security system in your home more than any other improvement.

Home security is vital for homeowners to protect their families and belongings. Your home is where your kids play, grow and sleep peacefully to ensure their safety, and you will find smart technological aid.

Investing in this can be worthwhile, but there are also some simple ways you can increase the security of your home. 

Get a security system

Every home should have a security system whether you choose a smart automated or get DIY under your budget. 

If you go with automation, you will find many advanced security features with professional monitoring of the boundaries of your house. You can also buy security cameras at, where you can find cost-effective and budget-friendly security cameras for your home.

It is essential to know the crime statistics of the area where you live with your family. Whether you have been living there for years or just moved in, you can contact the local police to find out what crime ratio is reported. It will help you to prepare your home for security according to it.

Put a lock on the windows

Windows has been a common entry point for thieves and criminals for ages. If you just bought the house, you should make sure your windows have a proper locked system. There are chances that your previous homeowner might have shut the windows but forgotten to lock them.

Also, if your windows have latches on them, it won’t be practical for protection. Now with technology and smart choices, you can stop any unknown entrance by making every window and door burglar-proof.

For this, you can install windows sensors and reinforce glass by using window films. You can also install window bars to protect your home. This way, your home will function as a smart home.

Upgrade your garage

Today, the garage entrance is the easiest and quickest way for burglars to enter your home. Many people store important and expensive stuff in their garages which attracts the attention of burglars.

To avoid any incident in your home, you should make a habit of locking the garage from inside and outside. Also, you can install a digital security system in your home and don’t unlock it in front of any delivery boy or neighbor. 

You should also keep the garage opener inside the home for personal safety.

Connect with VPN

With automation in your house, your security devices will be connected to the Wi-Fi system of your home. You will be stress-free that now you finally have a smart home that has a security system for protection. But there is a probability that a burglar can be tech-savvy and detect your home security system using your IP address.

To avoid this, you should connect your primary device to VPN so no one can access the security system of your house.

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