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HTTP Requests in Express JS

HTTP Requests in Express JS

HTTP requests are binary information packets that a computer or client sends to another computer or server to communicate.

What is routing in Express JS?

Routing is basically defined as the process of selecting a path for traffic or request in a network or in a web framework. In Express JS, we can access web pages, files, images, scripts, stylesheets etc. at different paths set by route. To define a route in Express, we use app.method (path, handler).

app.method (path, handler)

This is a function which is used to define various routes for different types of requests. Path is address of route and handler is the function which will receive the request and give response to that request.

HTTP Requests Methods in Express JS

Types of Request Methods for Routes (app.method(path, handler))

GETIt is used when data fetching is required from server for representation on client side.  
POST  It is used when request is sent through forms secretly. The server accepts data in the request as new entity identified by URI.  
PUT  It is used to store and update data. If an object exists already, it updates or modifies it. If the object does not exist, it creates new.
DELETE   It is used to delete data from server.

Examples of GET & POST Requests in Express JS

Let’s take an example of a /home route. In this example, we have defined a route at http://localhost:3000/home. The server receives get type request when we access this address. After receiving request, callback function defined in app.method gets executed which sends string “Welcome to Homepage” as response to client.

//imports express module
let express = require('express');
//initializes express app
let app = express();

//creates get function with request and response parameters
app.get('/home', function(req, res){

    //sends response to client or browser
    res.send("Welcome to Homepage");

//listens to server at port 3000

After accessing http://localhost:3000/home, you will see the following response on browser.

http requests

Now just try to access different routes without defining. For example, we haven’t defined any route in above code for path /login. You will see Cannot GET / Login response on requesting this address.

http requests error on request express js

Now to check POST request method, we will need to use cURL or any app for sending POST request. I will use Insomnia REST Client for sending and receiving request and response respectively. It allows you to select HTTP request type, set path on which request has to be sent and shows a response.

http requests post request in express js

GET and POST Requests in Express JS

Let’s take another example by defining GET and POST request at same route.

//imports express module
let express = require('express');
//initializes express app
let app = express();

//creates get function with request and response parameters
app.get('/home', function(req, res){

    //sends response to client or browser
    res.send("Welcome to GET");

//creates post function with request and response parameters'/home', function(req, res){

    //sends response to client or browser
    res.send("Welcome to POST");


//listens to server at port 3000

GET Request Output in Express JS

When you will access /home route with GET request, you will see Welcome to GET response.

http requests get request express js

POST Request Output in Express JS

But when you will access /home route with POST request, you will see Welcome to POST response.

http requests express js post request

PUT & DELETE Requests in Express JS

Similarly, modify the code to check PUT and DELETE request.

//imports express module
let express = require('express');
//initializes express app
let app = express();

//creates get function with request and response parameters
app.delete('/home', function(req, res){

    //sends response to client or browser
    res.send("Welcome to DELETE");

//creates post function with request and response parameters
app.put('/home', function(req, res){

    //sends response to client or browser
res.send("Welcome to PUT");


//listens to server at port 3000

You will see Welcome to PUT response for your PUT method route and Welcome to DELETE response for your DELETE method route.

Outputs for PUT & DELETE Requests

http requests output for PUT Request in Express js
http requests DELETE Request in Express JS

All requests route in Express JS

In some scenarios, we have to use all the methods for a single route. For example, in middleware, we use this. Look at the code below, it has a route with all method. It will respond to all HTTP requests. The response will be same for all HTTP requests no matter it is GET, POST, DELETE or PUT.

//imports express module
let express = require('express');
//initializes express app
let app = express();

//creates all function with request and response parameters
app.all('/home', function(req, res){

    //sends response to client or browser
    res.send("Welcome to Home");


//listens to server at port 3000

In the next tutorial, you will learn how to add static and dynamic routing in Express JS.

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