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What Moves Cryptocurrency Exchange Rates Up and Down?

What Moves Cryptocurrency Exchange Rates Up and Down?

Take any crypto asset and see its chart; you will notice that the price is never still – it is constantly changing. The current crypto rate is a cryptocurrency live price and is available on large crypto platforms and ratings. For example, the Coinmarketcap resource always provides up-to-date prices for digital assets and puts them in the ranking starting from the most expensive and traded coins. Of course, the ranking starts with popular Bitcoin, followed by not less popular Ethereum, Tether, etc., with their cryptocurrency rates live and the indicators of their market capitalisation and trade volume written in front of them.

Crypto assets are not created and are not issued by banks. They either do not depend on the government. So no regulator would control crypto rates. The lack of control gives space for profit-making on the crypto price differences. That is a profitable option to receive money from just reselling coins at a higher price. However, to succeed in trading and investing, we should understand what affects crypto rates and know how to predict the next huge price leap or drop. For that purpose, we need to know what affects the crypto rates.

Factors that May Impact Crypto Exchanges Rates

Below, you will see the list of external and internal factors moving crypto rates:

The number of coins (tokens) indicated in the whitepaper. That is the total emission of coins. Limited emission helps to hold the crypt rate and maintains demand for the asses. And vice versa, if emission is unlimited, supply is bigger than demand, which does not stimulate price growth at all.
Supply and demand balance. If large market participants start to sell their crypto coins massively, it creates panic in the market and reduces the demand for the coin. Thus, the crypto rate drops. And vice versa.
Global crisis and inflation also impact the crypto market.
When governments of some countries impose bans on mining, it causes a huge outflow of crypto miners and shakes the market.

For more information on crypto trading, visit the White Blog resource. It provides comprehensive guides and instructions on buying crypto, applying this or that strategy, and offers reviews on upcoming crypto projects.

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