Table of Contents
2 Best Strategies For Presentation
There are two types of strategies that are required to make an effective oral presentation. They are:
- Physical requirements
- Oral requirements
Physical requirements

- Physical appearance
- Posture
- Eye contact
- Voice/volume
- Facial expression
- Facial expression
Physical appearance
Physical appearance counts much in oral presentation or successful speech.A speaker can impress his audience if he is in properly neat and clean dress.Fine hair style of deliverer may reflect his cultural back ground.Attractive and impressive personality of a speaker makes his speech more effective.
Posture of a speaker is an important thing for making his speech successful and effective. It mirrors the inner condition of a speaker. If he stands upright, it shows that he has enough confidence. If he is in hanging position, it shows that he is in depressed condition. Instead of being tense at the stage a speaker must be in a care free and relaxed position.
Eye contact
A speaker should keep eye contact with his audience. With eye contact and gestures he wins the attention of his audience. Eye contact shows full confidence of the speaker.
Voice of a speaker makes his speech successful. The pitch of his voice should be under his control. A good speaker always lowers or heightens his volume according to the need of his speech. The uniform tone of his voice may bore his audience.
Facial expressions
Facial expressions play an important part in making a speech attractive. A speaker may contact his audience with a smile on his face. Excitement, interest, and belief of a speaker in his ideas must be reflected through his facial expressions. A speaker who stands still at the stage fails to win the attention of his listeners. Regular eye contact and bodily movements can make his oral presentation more effective and successful.
Oral requirements

- Voice/Rate of voice
- Volume
- Vocal quality
- Pronunciation
- Use of audio visual aids
Voice/Rate of voice
A speaker possesses a good voice is always liked. The rate of his voice is neither very high nor very slow.No body likes a fast speaker. A good speaker is expected to be moderate while delivering his speech.
The volume of a speaker must be under his control. A good speaker always adapts the volume of his voice according to the size of room and number of his listeners.
Vocal quality
A good speaker can improve the quality of his voice by using his mouth, tongue, lips, teeth, vocal card and exercise. His voice should never be husky, deep or throaty.
A good speaker always pronounces the words correctly. Wrongly pronounced words produce a bad effect on the mind of the audience. If a speaker is shaky about his pronunciation, he should get the help of a teacher to improve his pronunciation.
Use of audio visual aids
A speaker can get the help of audio visual aids for an attractive delivery. These aids may be a whiteboard, projector, photographs, models of objects, photographs slides and he himself. In addition, he can create certain visual aids such as drawings, maps, charts, and graphs, etc.
Methods of oral presentation
- Extemporaneous method
- Reading method
- Impromptu method
- Memorization method
Extemporaneous method
In this method a speaker uses outlines, note cards or visual aids during the course of his delivery.
Reading method
In reading method,speech is made through a written manuscript.
Impromptu method
In this method, speech is made without any preparation. It is delivered on the spur of moment.
Memorization method
In this method, a speaker learns his speech by heart. He memorizes his speech word for word before he delivers.
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